Lone worker policy template

A lone worker policy should outline your commitment to providing a safe and secure working environment for your lone workers. It should include guidance on risk assessments and how to reduce risks, such as providing employees with the necessary safety equipment, training, and support.

It also needs to provide information about who is responsible for monitoring and reporting any incidents, and outline the responsibilities of lone workers, and the procedures they should follow to ensure their safety.

We’ve got you started on all of the above, with our lone worker policy template, which is free to download and simple to customise with editable fields.


  • Definition of Lone Working Roles and Responsibilities
  • Risk Assessment Procedure
  • Dynamic Risk Assessment
  • Monitoring and Review
  • Procedures and Processes
  • Maintaining Contact
  • Use of Technology-based Systems
  • Staff Training
  • Incident Reporting Review

+ more

How do I use this template?

If you’re a manager who’s never used a lone worker policy template before, don’t worry! We’re here to show you how to make the most of it and keep your employees who work alone safe.

Our lone worker policy template is like a ready-made plan that you can customise to fit your company. Here’s what you need to do:

  • Get to know it: Take some time to understand our lone worker policy template. There are different sections that cover everything you need to know, but you can tweak it to match your company’s needs. Add or change parts to fit how your business works, and make sure you’re following any laws or rules that apply to you.

  • Talk to your team: Don’t go it alone! Get input from your HR, legal, and any relevant safety team members to make sure you’re on the right track. Share the template with them, get their thoughts, and work together to make it even more effective.

  • Spread the word: Once your customised lone worker policy is ready, let your employees know about it. Talk to them about why it’s important and what they need to do to stay safe. Consider holding training sessions or workshops to explain the policy in more detail. Encourage questions and make sure everyone understands their role in keeping things safe.

Using our Lone Worker Policy Template shows that you care about your employees’ safety. Remember to review it regularly and update it if anything changes. 

Next steps in your lone worker policy and proceedure

Go through our 5 steps to build a comprehensive risk assessment for your lone workers and view templates desgined to meet each risk profile type as defined by the HSE.